
I will remind myself, if I written down any script on this website.

It will become the video one day, not that I remember all the materials from Geography 1 to 10 video. 

I will elaborate more when I getting my new interior design, a better room to tell you a better world....

If you wish to flying out of the Earth Surface, you lay down, facing East, Down.

Not face up, in case....you become blind, you close your eyes.

Only Earth has the gravity.

Your basketball demo has no gravity. 

You go to equator to do that.....

East Coastline of America, its not a straight line up to down. You can just see it directly from the map. Meaning your actual travel time has to wait on the North, if you are on the same exactly Time Zone to When the exactly mins or second to that Sunrise....

How the Earth rotate to enter the Sun phase, that interface. 

The Earth rotate towards East. Its a curved surface, meaning that is counter clockwise. Towards East -->

East means -->

Vectors are a quantative measurement of a number in physics to describe you mostly a coordinate. In that quandrain of the Universe......Its darkness, you cannot see the vectors, ever.


I have the Geography Video up, and one lawsuit or adjcent lawsuit....I might just ready to step on the French the next 2 years time frames.

I always just believe it, the Legal Court can solve something very intuitive, so I don't even bother them why anyone cannot learn French or Geography, really...one of those arguments, I can.

Lawsuit Case: https://194002e.blogspot.com/p/lawsuit-269.html

The 2 Links are embedded in were today, I talk about what I used to write you all tests, and I guess that someone told me, you resume back to the East Coastline, really? You know, one of those things I concluded all the geography written down notes, I have prepared you the last 8 months time. They might just put that for the next 2 years time frames, in whichever they prefer to do .....really.

Map drawing

  Sailor Moon 美少女戰士 Book 11 and Book 14 the first page. That is what you really need, really.