
Prince of Whale, not Killing Whales (Comets Calculation, want to do that again, together?)

2011 to 2012 Dec 21th, that is 2 full years - 10 days?

Why? We do this way?

We assume that in 2017, that is = 2011, so we added on 2 full years, to saying the approximately time frames within we will see the comet, not after 2 full years where the comets will land down One Direction.

Reasoning You needs to have a Time Range, to when from which years to next what Time Frames years of 20 to 40 years how this gigantic Comets will pass by us, or the celestial body like Nibiru if they exist or not, being said in 2012.

I start having this my peripheral going backwards stuffs going on with this math. You are thinking going backwards? 1940 its full one year, forward to 1941 one full year, 1942 and 1943 its one week? that is 123 + 1 week.

1909 one full years 1098 6 months.

This has nothing to do with the Astro 1 2 3 4 anything to do with the rumor how he die, how the movies was dead Titanic, to when you seeing him again, those sorts on the housing development, oh ~ You mean Keanu Reeves the Artitech? I have this funny feeling, you seeing him everywhere as you might start to pay attention the side line story, for now?

I need to create a new regular seeing straight white background website, not this .....These only few posts, as if we gone through the existing materials, you can never get it wrong with all the human looking experty next by you. So you learn it well.



Map drawing

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