
When the sun touches the Earth down down down the water horizontal line, its the sun set.

Not sun rise.

When the Moon.....do you know the moon orbits at the Earth, we orbits around the Sun? You have to know the sun no matter how it orbits, its glowing ball 24 hours a day 365 days a year? Whereas both Earth and the Moon don't GLOW !! ING~~~~~



The Egyptian Paroah has a title description box; the Chinese Religion sects in the movies has a description box; 明月幾時了 Its part of the Ancient Chinese Poem related to every words you needs to know

I almost thoughts only the police they allow to go somewhere to yellow strips the entire area to ensure something don't fall down there, really. You like the song, or you like the Pinterests, you should by now finding out, my every template its to hang, and leave, one of those.....

Ancient Chinese Poem related to Spring, our time right now.

春眠不覺曉    Spring Sleep Not Knowing the Dawn (Sun Rise / Aware / Knowing )

處處聞啼鳥    Everywhere hear about the Birds Poetic Signature

夜來風雨聲    Night comes to Wind Rain Sounding

花落知多少    Flower Falls knows More or Less

💖💝🥑🥟🥟🥘🫑🫑🎀🍲🍔  💖💝🥑🥟🥟🥘🫑🫑🎀🍲🍔  💖💝🥑🥟🥟🥘🫑🫑🎀🍲🍔 💖💝🥑🥟🥟🥘🫑🫑🎀🍲🍔  💖💝🥑🥟🥟🥘🫑🫑🎀🍲🍔  💖💝🥑🥟🥟🥘🫑🫑🎀🍲🍔



Map drawing

  Sailor Moon 美少女戰士 Book 11 and Book 14 the first page. That is what you really need, really.